
Insights & Opinions… from the MAC4 team.

Five Steps to Creating Captivating Employee Podcasts

Podcasts are more popular than ever – after all, you can listen anywhere and they offer a welcome alternative to the daily flood of text. And they’re an excellent tool for internal communications – they get your message out to employees in an appealing, user-friendly way.

At the same time, competition for attention is fierce, with hundreds of thousands of podcasts available on every subject imaginable. So, you need to produce a podcast that will captivate employees.

Follow these steps to create a stellar, impactful employee podcast:

  1. Set your goals: Make sure you know what you want to achieve – for example, increase employee engagement, get employees on board with company initiatives. And it’s critical to keep those goals in mind as you figure out who your target audience is and what the podcast will focus on.
  2. Create great content: Consider spotlighting employee stories or lively discussions with company leaders. And keep it short and “snackable” – 5-10 minutes is optimal. Too much content for one podcast? Create a series of short episodes.
  3. Understand the time and effort that goes into producing a professional podcast: It’s not just a matter of sitting down and doing an interview. You need to make sure you’re informed about the topic, find the right guest, edit the recording and promote the podcast.
  4. Natural conversation is key: Nobody wants to listen to a recitation of corporate messages. Don’t read from scripts – simply ask your guests good questions and edit later. Need inspiration? Listen to any of NPR’s podcasts and learn from the pros.
  5. Make the podcast accessible: If it doesn’t cover confidential information, make the podcast available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Soundcloud. That way, employees can easily tune in whenever and wherever it’s most convenient.

Now get to work! Be prepared and trust your instincts to create a podcast that will keep employees coming back for more.

Author: Diane Karsch


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