Inspiring Key Stakeholders? Start With Your Employees
Everyone knows the formula… happy employees are productive ones. When employees enjoy coming to work and feel they are respected and appreciated, they are far more likely to work harder for you. From there, it’s just simple math; the harder and smarter your employees work, the greater your opportunity for business success. But the transitive property extends beyond your company walls. Employees and even contractors who feel fulfilled and motivated at work, will convey that message to others. Through verbal and oftentimes non-verbal communication, they will share the strengths and benefits of working for, or doing business with, your organization.
Here are three key strategies you can use to institute greater employee engagement:
- Start by firmly establishing a culture of inclusiveness within your organization… a “One Team” mentality. Whether it be a mission statement, a company credo or a guideline of company values, put pen to the paper and build a doctrine of purpose. Make it accessible, visible and promote it consistently. Generate buzz and keep them buzzing!
- Invite and encourage participation in key decisions, company initiatives and daily operations. Promote collaboration, the sharing of new ideas, and provide ample and constructive feedback when needed. Make them feel invested in project outcomes and provide opportunities for leadership at all levels of the employee hierarchy.
- Provide support systems. Designate teams or individuals who are trained to offer guidance, direction or simply an ear during change periods. Keep employees readily informed about support resources and empower them to pay it forward.
Investment is a two-way street; invest in your employees and they will invest in your business.
Author: Susan Lenkaitis